How to look after the mother-in-law


When I decided to move on from London escorts and get married, I soon learned how important it was to look after the mother-in-law. My mother-in-law is a lot older than I am and we do actually get on really well. She does not know that I used to work for an escort service, but like my husband says, she does not need to know neither. We will always keep that little secret to ourselves.

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My mother-in-law is really easy to look after and keep happy. She likes many of the things that I do and we do spend a lot of time together. Going shopping is one of her favourite things so I try to take her shopping at least once a fortnight. It is kind of tough sometimes as I am trying to start my own business with some of the money that I had left over from London escorts. But to be honest, it is one of the things that my mother-in-law admires about me.


On top of that we both like to cook. I am not exactly a domestic goddess but one of things that my mother-in-law loves about me is my cakes. When I am not too busy I like to bake and I do spend a lot of time in the kitchen. A couple of times per week I try to visit my mother-in-law with a nice cake. She is just totally nuts about cake and I know that she enjoys my cakes with her friends. They always seem to be around for a cup of tea and love to have my cakes with their tea.


Another way that I look after my mother-in-law is to take her to the beautician. She is one of these women who have not really spoiled herself. Now she is trying to make up for lost time and I know that she sneaks of to the beautician when I am not around. But like she says, she likes to go with me for a girlie facial and a nice chat. When I worked for London escorts I always looked after my skin and I have no intention of giving up on that at all. I am glad that I have a fun old lady to go with and we do have a giggle.


My husband did not think that his mum and I would get on but we certainly do. She is a sweet old lady of 75, and is a lot more with it when my husband gives her credit for. Out of all the girls at London escorts who got married, I think that I am the luckiest one. I have ended up with this really cool mother-in-law who is very young for her age. My husband is pleased that we get on and I hope that we will carry on getting on for a very long time. Believe me, there is a lot of life in my mother-in-law. I have the feeling that there is a lot she is not telling us about.


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