One of the most beautiful feelings in life is to have someone that helps you to go through life.


Someone who is willing to share their experiences with you. We are lucky if we found the love of our life. Someone who won’t get tired of loving us even we are unlovable. To find the love of our life is a blessing, they add color to our world and give us pre happiness. Happiness that we can only see from them. And not from other people. We want someone that will never be afraid to take risks just for us. A love that is so real and sincere is hard to find; especially nowadays, it is getting critical.

As time passed by, people took love for just a game. They never take it more seriously now; they think that making a fool in a relationship made them a cool kid. Love gives us an extreme feeling to continue our life; it inspires to become a better person. When we are in love, we can do things possibly without doubts and full of confidence. When we are in love, we appreciate the little thing around us; we noticed that we become less stress and less dramatic in life. We are not afraid to face any problems in our life, and challenges become our motivation to continue living. When we have someone at our side, it just feels right when someone cheers with us while everyone else boos us. Someone that can defend us is everything, and they are the kind of people to be treasured.

Always remember that we should never lose a person because of a little happiness, trading the love of your life could be your greatest regret. I have been so lucky that I have found a woman who has seen my worsts but still chooses to stay with me. Instead of having an option to leave, she cheers me up and loves me even more. My life is a mess after my mother died, my life has no direction anymore. Dad becomes violent to me; she brought many women to the house at my mother’s wake. He never cares and gave me food.

I have to stop school and work. She got a mistress, and lucky she lives with her. I have left in our home, the place with my mother’s memories. To all my life difficulties, a Bromley escort from goes through with me on my journey. She helped me overcome it, but I lost her when I choose to cheat. Yes, I was aware of it and did it. No matter how much I apologize, the fact that she never wants me anymore is my greatest regret. She is now happy and move on, while I am depressed and longing for her.

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